Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Year 11 Information and Ideas Homeworks

You must be spending at least an hour per week on your homework: remember your handing in day is Monday and the first homework is due in on Monday 5 November!

1. Choose an advert from a magazine or newspaper and analyse its effectiveness. How does it appeal to its intended audience? It would be effective if you stuck the advert into your book and then annotated it.

2. Write a positive description of your house or bedroom and then write a negative version – you’ll have to adapt your adjectives…

3. Find a piece of non-fiction writing (maybe an article in a newspaper) and summarise its main points.

4. Local people are worried that the new development in Bicester will lead to gangs of teenagers hanging around the town at night. Write an article for the Bicester Advertiser which attempts to reassure them that this will not be the case.

5. Write a review for a film or TV programme that you have seen recently – remember to not give the ending away!

6. Write a leaflet encouraging people to donate to a charity of your choice – if you do it on computer you’ll be able to add appealing photographs…

7. Look at an issue that is facing teenagers today (maybe the overuse of technology or the impact of high unemployment levels facing graduates) and write an article informing an adult audience of its impact.

8. Find a news article (try and decide whether it is unbiased (as it is supposed to be) or if you can find any emotive or persuasive language – try and make it more biased and emotional by adding words or sentences.

9. Richard Branson is giving away 2 free tickets for his first Virgin trip to outerspace. Write him a letter telling him why you should have one of the tickets.

10. Summarise a book of your choice – you only have 100 words!

Year 10 Creative Writing Homeworks

Remember to spend at least an hour on your chosen homework each week: your day is Tuesday.

1. From your favourite book, choose a passage and illustrate it. You must justify your choices of illustration with either labels or a paragraph

2. Write a negative review of a well known book

3. Choose a passage from a non-fiction piece of writing and analyse its use of language – write a short piece of writing or annotate a photocopy of the passage

4. Write a short story with the title – Lonliness OR Conviction

5. Choose a well known story (maybe a fairy tale) and write an alternative ending…maybe Cinderella doesn’t get her prince!

6. Take a character from a story and write from their prospective – try something like writing from Hermione’s point of view for a section of a Harry Potter book (is she annoyed that she doesn’t get as much credit as Harry?!)

7. Choose a section of a story and change it to a playscript (remember to add stage directions)

8. Create a book cover for a book that you have read

9. Write a short piece of writing to persuade me to read a book of your choice

10. Describe your favourite place

Monday, 22 October 2012

Year 8 Dragons Homeworks

Dragons – Homeworks

Remember to spend at least an hour on your homework each week: your homework handing in day remains the same so Tuesday for 8X and Thursday for 8Y.

1. Read one of the How to Train Your Dragon by Cressia Cowell (write a note in your book if you choose this one telling me which book you are reading)

2. Write a short story in the voice of a dragon

3. Write a diary entry – either a day in the life of a dragon or from someone who has fought a dragon or someone who has a dragon as a pet!

4. Find a poem about a dragon and write a short piece of writing about it

5. With a friend create a short piece of drama involving a dragon (you’ll have to show it to the class so be prepared!)

6. Draw a picture depicting a battle between a knight and a dragon

7. Research how dragons have been portrayed in paintings – find two paintings and analyse how dragons have been shown (i.e. do they look fierce or friendly? are they fighting or tame?)

8. Write a letter to your parents to try to persuade them to allow you to keep a dragon for a pet

9. Find a traditional story about or including a dragon – be prepared to read it (or part of it) to the class and explain what you like about it

10. In a pair or a small group, write a song about a dragon and sing it to the class!

Friday, 19 October 2012

Year 9 The Outsiders homeworks

Here are your homeworks for the next module: The Outsiders

Remember to hand in one piece of homework each Wednesday - you should be spending at least an hour on each piece!

1. Read Catcher in the Rye by JD Salinger - if you choose this option you must send a post (or put a note in your book) saying you are reading it (I will ask you questions once you have finished)

2. Choose another American novel to read - if you choose this option you must send a post (or put a note in your book) saying you are reading it (I will ask you questions once you have finished)

3. Write a short biography of Hinton

4. Write a short commentary on immigration in US history and how it has shaped the country's culture

5. Write a diary entry of an immigrant child arriving at Ellis Island in the 1920s

6. Does it surprise you that Hinton is female? Why do you think she chose to use her initials rather than her given feminine names?

7. Read or watch Romeo and Juliet and write a comment about the use of gangs and violence

8. Choose a character from the novel and write a comment about their life - what has influenced their decisions and led them to where they are at the end of the story?

9. Who is your favourite character and why?

10. Write a comment about the influence of violence in the novel

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Year 11 Writing Homework - due Monday 22 October

Do one of these questions: 1. Write a narrative description of your day. (remember lots of adverbs and adjectives) OR 2. Write an article persuading people over the age of 60 to use technology more in their lives. Only do one and make sure you spend 50 minutes on it!!

Friday, 7 September 2012

Year 11 View from the Bridge Homeworks

Your homeworks are listed below.

Remember your homework day is Monday - you should be spending at least one hour on your homework each week. If I think you have spent less then I will deem it as a missed piece of work!

Either bring in your work and stick it into your book or post it as a comment to this post.

1. What does the title mean? Analyse the idea that Alfieri is the bridge and the view is his...

2. Re-write the play in the style of a short crime story.

3. Take one of the characters and analyse them in detail - what was their part in the play? could their actions have altered the course of the action?

4. You are a set designer - using Miller's stage directions, design the set. Include labels for clarity.

5. Write either Marco or Rodolfo's diary on board the ship - give ideas about how they were thinking about their new life in New York. (to make it more interesting you could use both views as show how they differed...)

6. How does Marco and Rodolfo's quest for the American Dream differ to George and Lennie's?

7. Write a guide book for new immigrants to New York giving them information on how to survive the city in the 1950s.

8. Write a newspaper article giving details of the end of the play.

9. It is the women in the play who are to blame for the tragic event at the end. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Justify your decision.

10. Find out which other plays Miller wrote and write the story of one of them.

Year 10 Romeo and Juliet Homeworks

Your 10 Romeo and Juliet homeworks are listed below:

Remember that you should be spending at least an hour on each piece of homework. Anything less is unacceptable and will be deemed to be a missed piece of work.

Your homework day is Wednesday - either bring in your work and stick it into your book or post it as a comment to this post:

1. Choose your favourite character from the play and create a character profile (include a picture if you wish!)

2. If you were a film director who would you cast in the leading roles of Juliet and Romeo? Justify your choice.

3. Draw a cover for a new, modern adaptation of the play - ensure you use symbolism.

4. Choose a scene from the play and transform the text into modern language (maybe include lots of slang for a teen version)

5. Re-write the ending with Romeo and Juliet living happily ever after - remember you will need to tie all together so that the two families forgive and unite.

6. Why do you think the play is so popular today? Write a short comment about why audiences still rate it as one of Shakespeare's best plays?

7. Write a sonnet about the story.

8. You are a set designer. Design the set for the balcony scene.

9. Write a review of the film adaptation that you studied in class - pay particular attention to the casting of (the wonderful!!) Leonardo DiCaprio and Clare Danes in the title roles.

10. Rewrite the story of Romeo and Juliet in the style of either a horror story or as a detective/crime story.

Year 9 Much Ado Homeworks

Your Much Ado tasks are listed below

Remember that you should be spending at least an hour on your homework each week - anything looking less than that will be accepted as no homework!

Your homework day is Wednesday - either bring in your homework and stick it into your book or post it as a comment to this post.

1) rewrite the story as a poem or a newspaper article

2) watch another version of the play

3) write a character profile of your favourite character

4) research the port of Messina in Sicily (where the play is set) – what was life like there in the 1600s?

5) how is deception used to move the plot along? Write a short analysis

6) what is the relevance of the title? Do you think it is a good one? Should it have been called something else?

7) write a review of the film version that we watched in class

8) get hold of a copy of the play and read it

9) how do the portrayals of Beatrice and Hero show Shakespearian views of women?

10) create a new bookcover which depicts the ideas in the play

Year 8 - Creative Writing Homeworks

Your list of homeworks is below.

Remember that each homework should take you at leastone hour each week.

Anything which looks like it took you less time will be accepted as no homework!
Your homework day is Tuesday for 8X and Thursday for 8Y: either bring it in and stick it into your book or post it on the blog as a comment to this post

1) write a short comment about an issue that you are interested in

2) interview a friend and write a transcript (or video them) – what do they think about teenagers being branded as ‘hoodies’?

3) what was life like for children growing up 100 years ago? Did they face any similar issues?

4) write a story or newspaper article telling the story of a teenager who has been affected by one of the issues

5) watch the vodcasts giving advice about writing skills and review the one you found most helpful

6) use the internet to research the history of voting in the UK – when did everyone get the vote…etc

7) what is life like for teenagers in other countries? Use the internet to research a chosen country and then write a short comment

8) choose a controversial subject and write an argumentative comment about it (maybe support the ban of chemicals in farming or argue that girls should be taught cooking instead of engineering!)

9) ask your family for their views about teenagers these days – do different generations have different ideas?

10) draw a picture of the two opposing images of teenagers – one ‘hoodie’ and one ‘A* student’

Thursday, 28 June 2012

Year 8 Homework feedback

Some good pieces of homework are being handed in. Unfortunately there are still some of you who are doing the bare minimum (if any at all). These homeworks are important preparation for your final piece of assessment so do make sure you are putting enough time and effort into them.

Very well done to the majority of you who are giving me detailed and thoughtful pieces of work each week.

Keep going...3 more pieces to do including one for this Friday (29 June).

Use the following link to find out more about how the characters in the story link to real life people from Russia's history

Year 7 homework feedback

Well done everyone for some superb pieces of homework!!

I'm very impressed with the amount of effort and time being taken to produce such great work. Please keep going - all this preparation and knowledge is going to help you with your final piece of assessment.

Next week we will be concentrating on our scene again but this time we will be using the words that Shakespeare wrote (instead of my modern version!)

If you want to have a look at it in advance then click on this link....It is Act II Scene I

Year 9: Billy Elliot Homeworks

Here are the homeworks for the Billy Elliot work we are currently doing. This time there is no choice but I have listed all the homeworks below so you know what is coming up!

Homework 1 - due in Friday 6 July Research northern England during the 1980s. What was it like to live there? Was it any different to living in the south of the country? Did people have a lot of money? Why did the miners strike and were they successful?

Homework 2 - due in Friday 13 July Billy lied to his family about going to ballet class. Was there a better way of handling it? In what circumstances are children justified in defying their parents? Do you think Billy's dad handled it well, did he let his disappointment affect how he treated Billy?

Homework 3 - due in Friday 20 July What have you learnt from studying the story of Billy Elliot? Write a piece of work giving your ideas in no more than 200 words.

Friday, 1 June 2012

Year 9 GCSE preparation homeworks

As promised here is the list of GCSE preparation tasks. Remember you need to choose 5 of the 10 and must hand one in each Friday. At this stage you really should be aiming to be spending at least 90 minutes a week on your English homework!

1. Practise your descriptive writing by describing either a school in the middle of lunchtime or a shopping centre on a Saturday afternoon. Remember to appeal to your readers' senses but try not to use the words 'hear' / 'smell' etc

2. Homework should be abolished. Write the text for a speech in which you agree or disagree with this statement.

3. Put together a test which could be used to examine everyone's basic writing skills - make sure you cover the skills we have revised in class (at the time of writing this we've looked at apostrophes and homophones)

4. Find a piece of writing that you admire (maybe a section from the book you are currently reading) write a half page account of why you admire it - remember to include a copy of the chosen section too.

5. Practise writing concisely (i.e. without waffle) by rewriting a famous story in only 100 words

6. Use the podcasts on the English website to revise the basic writing skills (there are plenty of them to choose from)

7. Ensure you are reading newspapers as much as you can so that you can build up an awareness of life outside of Bicester. Demonstrate this knowledge with notes.

8. Read a speech from a famous orator (look at politicians for this if you need guidance) and make notes about how they are effective. Maybe print out a speech and annotate it.

9. Read an article from a newspaper or magazine and summarise the main points in 150 words.

10. From a fiction piece of writing (i.e. a story) analyse the language that a writer has chosen to use. Why those particular words and not a synonym?

Year 8: Animal Farm Homeworks

Below is a list of 10 homeworks of which you will need to choose 5. Each one is due in on the Friday of each week. Remember that you should be spending no less than 1 hour on each piece of these homeworks - insufficient work will be treated the same as no work at all!

1) Read Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

2) Read Nineteen-eighty-four by George Orwell

3) Design a cover for a new edition of Animal Farm.

4) Which characters do you think are most responsible for the failure of Animal Farm? Why? (at least half a page)

5) Draw a spider diagram on either Napoleon or Snowball, showing 5 characteristics of the character and quotations from the book that back them up.

6) What does the word propaganda mean? Research two famous propagandists from the 20th Century of your choice (maybe Goebels, Stalin, Churchill – find others too)

7) Who writes history? Is there more than one version of the truth? Discuss these questions in at least half a page of writing.

8) Find out the names of 5 dictators and the countries they are / were in charge of. Were they forces for good?

9) Diary entry- write an entry from the point of view of one of the characters discussing their feelings of events in the book at the time.

10) Who is your favourite character in the book and why? (at least half a page)

Year 7: Midsummer Night's Dream Homeworks

Below is a list of 10 homeworks of which you will need to choose 6. Each Monday you will hand one piece of work in (or add it to the blog). Remember that you should be spending no less than 1 hour per week on your English homework - ideally more time! I will add an extension piece of work each week which is closely related to the work we are doing in class.

The following options will help you to develop your understanding of Shakespeare and of plays in general;

1. Research / read another of Shakespeare's plays and write out the story in no more than 100 words

2. Choose a scene from Midsummer Night's Dream and create an illustrated version of it

3. Create a wordsearch using words which are associated with Shakespeare

4. Why do you think Shakespeare is still taught in schools today? List 3 features of his writing which you think help him to remain popular

5. Choose a speech from another of Shakespeare's plays (try a popular one from Hamlet or Macbeth maybe) and anaylse the is it dramatic?

6. List all of Shakespeare's plays

7. Choose a scene from any play (doesn't have to be Shakespeare) and practise reading it. Make sure you use your voice to emphasise the words

8. Research and find 5 famous quotes from any Shakespearian play(s)

9. Choose a Shakespearian play and create a poster advertising a performance

10. Choose one of Shakespeare's plays and write a modern version (i.e. Romeo and Juliet written for a Year 9 audience)

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Year 7 Homework due Monday 21 May

An easy one for you this week! Please interview a member of your family or a friend about what they are concerned about at the moment when they read/see/hear the news? Bring their comments with you to the lesson so you can incorporate their ideas into your news report i.e. 'A local teacher recently gave us her views about the high quality homework being done at the moment in schools in Bicester. She disregarded the idea in the local news recently that students are not completing homework to a good standard. In fact she told our reporter that her Year 7 homework is the best she has ever seen!'

Friday, 11 May 2012

Year 10: Homework due Friday 18 May

You will need to complete essay plans for 4 of the 8 questions studied in class. Remember to include lots of context information and use words/phrases like The American Dream, racial inequality, women's rights and status, migrant workers, The Great Depression etc.
Use half a page of A4 for each plan and don't spend longer than 10 minutes on each one.

Include quotations with page numbers!

Year 9: Homework due Friday 18 May

Well done to those of you who managed the homework for this week even though I hadn't got it on the blog!! Lots of excellent research which will help you when it comes to writing your essays next week - well done. For those of you who didn't manage it here is a reminder...research life in the US in the run up to the 2008 election - what were the difficulties and challenges that Obama mentions in his victory speech?

For Friday 18 May:
Look for a well known personality (it could be a sports person, a politician, an actor or singer) and watch a speech or interview with them. Analyse their body language, tone of voice, what they talk about and facial expressions. Are they formal or informal?

You could go further and see if you could find a formal plus an informal situation and then compare them - much like we did for Obama's speech and TV appearances.

Year 8: Homework due Friday 18 May

Thank you for some brilliant character profiles - some rather interesting choices!
Homework due in on Friday 18 May:
Put a case forward in support of watching your favourite of the films studied so far (Oliver, Great Expectations or Fellowship of the Ring).
Answer the following questions to prompt you
1. Why is your choice of film the best 2. Why should we devote 3 lessons to watching a film (what is the educational value?!)

Put your argument on the blog or bring it in

You could go further and explain what you think of the value of films overall - i.e. why the film industry is so huge and popular, why are actors paid so much, why do people like particular types of films

Year 7: News feedback and next homework

Very well done to everyone for some great homework handed in this week. I'm delighted that the research you did for homework paid off with some very entertaining and interesting news reporting in the lesson - great dramatic performances from you all!
This week we will be developing knowledge of newsreporting to produce another piece of drama.
This week's homework involves creating a character for you to become. Your character will be an anchor on the news (think Huw Edwards or Fiona Bruce). You will need to create a character - give details about what your character looks like, likes and dislikes, age, name, family details, how long you've been reading the news, if you've been to anywhere exciting to report...
Please bring it to the lesson on Monday 14 May.

Extra work would be to look at a real anchor who you particularly like or respect and write about why you have chosen them.

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Year 7 homework

Thank you for your article analysis. Unfortunately only 8 were handed in on time which is not at all good considering there are 23 students in the class!
Very well done to both Emma and Gemma whose article analyses were superb. Great work girls.
If you haven't given it to me yet then make sure you bring it to next lesson.
For Monday 7 May (I know it's a bank holiday so just make sure you have it for Tuesday's lesson!)
Watch the news
Watch an episode of the news and list the news items covered - next to each item write down the amount of time spent on it
i.e. Lost kitten 5 minutes
Gerbil sucked up by hoover 2 minutes
Spurs win the premiership 15 minutes

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Year 8 homework for Friday 11 May and reminder for this Friday

A reminder that our new homework day is Friday so the new deadline to do homework 2 is this Friday - 4 May:

1. Create a new book cover for either Oliver or Great Expectations - for either one ensure you are showing your understanding of the atmostphere
2. Write a film review of the scariest film you have seen (please remember that I need to read them and the scariest film I have seen is Ghostbusters! Don't overdo the blood and gore...)

Unfortunately I'm still missing a few homeworks from the Dickens research one. Get this to me this Friday if you haven't already handed it in.
Homework due Friday 11 May - plenty of notice to get this one done!

Choose a character from a film. Write a review of the character by answering the following questions (you may also like to include a photograph)
1. Which four words would best describe this character's personality?
2. How would you describe their physical features?
3. How does the audience feel towards the character? (i.e. do we feel fear or pity etc?)
4. Do you think that the actor playing the role is a good choice? why?
5. Why did you choose this character?

Either add a comment to this post or bring it in on paper or in your book.

Year 9: further feedback and hw for Friday 4 May

A pretty poor show so far for Year 9 homeworks unfortunately. Only a handfull handed in for both set so far. If you haven't done them then re-read the blog and find out what you have to do:

1. Your comments about different accents
2. The differences between spontaneous speech and prepared speech

Some impressive homeworks handed in however so very well done if you have completed both to a high standard...notably Daniel P and Genesis!

Right - homework due this Friday...very easy as you've done most of it already.

Write a review of your own speech in no fewer than 100 words (no more than 200!).

Use the following questions to prompt you - how successful was your argument? how confident were you? did you use body language well? what would you improve if you had to do another speech? do you think you interested your audience?

In on Friday 4 May along with the first two if you haven't done them yet.

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Friday, 20 April 2012

Year 10 Of Mice and Men

Homework due Monday 30 April

You need to submit an A4 sheet of information about life in 1930s America. You will need to use the following headings:

Life in 1930s America:
1. Women's rights
2. Racial Equality
3. Standard of living for an average family
4. Education
5. America's position as a world power

If you are aiming for the highest grades (or in fact you just want a good read), have a go at another of Steinbeck's novels, try Grapes of Wrath or East of Eden.

Year 8 Homework 2

Over the second week of the module we will be looking at Great Expectations in more detail. We will watch clips from two adaptations of the novel to see how they deal with the opening chapter. At this point we will begin to do some more in depth analysis of the choices a director makes - in this case how the director chooses to add fear to this first chapter.

Homework due in Tuesday 1 May:
1. Create a new book cover for either Oliver or Great Expectations - for either one ensure you are showing your understanding of the atmostphere
2. Write a film review of the scariest film you have seen (please remember that I need to read them and the scariest film I have seen is Ghostbusters! Don't overdo the blood and gore...)

It's a choice between 1 and 2 but you could of course do both.

The next novel to analyse its adaptation to film is Lord of the Rings by Tolkien - have a go at reading it if you want a challenge.

Year 7 Newspaper Homework

Our second week will be spent looking at newspapers and how they appeal to their readers. We will examine how fonts and colours are used as well as dramatic language.
For this week's homework - find a newspaper article and make notes on the use of colour, font, photograph and emotional language, remembering to consider the effect of these factors upon the reader.
As an option - go further and see if you can find different articles about the same piece of news. Make a comment about how the items differ even though they concern the same content. Why might they be different?

As always your homework is due on Monday so it's Monday 30 April for this one!

Accents feedback and further homework for Yr9

Very well done to Genesis, Alisha and Lucy who all wrote very insightful and interesting pieces of writing about how they feel about different accents. Their work is definitely at a level expected for GCSE so I'm very impressed!

For next Friday (27 April) I would like you to look again at the differences between spontaneous language and prepared speech - list 5 features of each.

Further work would be to revise the features of non-verbal communication for each - i.e. hand gestures/body language (straight back etc) - how does our non-verbal communication change for the type of speaking we are doing?

Monday, 16 April 2012

Year 11: Term 5

This term it's all about revision!!

We'll start off the week with A View from the Bridge revision by revising the characters and how to plan an essay. Then we'll have a quick re-look at Lord of the Flies and revise the main characters.

Preparation for these lessons could (and should) be re-reading both books. Ensure you've re-read both A View from the Bridge and Lord of the Flies over the next couple of weeks. Also use the internet to research the context of the stories - i.e. what was life like in the US and Italy during the time the play was set or/and what was the world like when Golding was writing Lord of the Flies?

Year 10: Term 5

This term we will be continuing our study of Of Mice and Men. You'll have a week and a half to finish the controlled assessment piece of writing before we turn our attention to the exam.

Your Of Mice and Men exam is on Tuesday 22 May.

To be fully prepared for the exam you should be re-reading your copy of the novel at home - at least twice before the exam.

You should also be making sure you have a full understanding of The Great Depression and how it affected everyday life in America - especially the impact for the characters in the novel (i.e. women's rights for Curley's wife and racial tension and equality for Crooks).

There is no formal homework for the first week because we are concentrating on the controlled assessment however do your background work so you're prepared for the exam preparation to come.

Year 9: Term 5

This term we will be doing some practice GCSE work. We will look at a formal speech by Barack Obama and compare it with a couple of television interviews he gave where he is more informal.

Our first few lessons will be spent looking at accents and dialects and how the way someone speaks influences our thoughts about them.

For homework this week please investigate different accents. See if you can find which accents are the most popular or most hated? Don't just stick to the UK - have a look at accents around the world (i.e. a South African accent or Australian one or how about different US accents). Also write about what you think - does an accent influence whether you trust what someone says? Should the BBC news be read in a particular accent?

Either post your ideas here or bring them to the lesson - it's due in on Friday 20 April.

If you want more homework...have a look at George W Bush on the internet. See if you can find any of his speeches to have a look at. Our last lesson this week is looking at his 9/11 speech so give yourself a head start!

Year 8: Term 5

This term we will be looking at how stories have been adapted into films - focusing on Great Expectations, Oliver, Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter.

In the first week we will be starting our study by looking at Oliver (reading an extract from the book as well as looking at different versions of adaptation for the screen). Then we will move on to begin looking at Great Expectations.

Homework this week: Both 'Oliver' and 'Great Expectations' were written by Charles Dickens. Do some research and find out what you can about him. Either post it to this blog or bring it to the lesson on Tuesday 24 April (remember - all homework will be handed in on the Tuesday each week).

You could always read both the books too - this will give you an advantage when it comes to writing about the novels as a whole...

Year 7: Term 5

This term we will be looking at all types of media (including newspapers, magazines and television news reports) with your final piece of work being to create a news desk report based on a news item of your choice.

You will be assessed on your speaking and listening (see if you can make an improvement from your Dragons' Den presentation) as well as a written piece of work.

The first week will be looking at how people use all different types of media - you will compile a questionaire to see how we all use the media. We will also be looking at newpaper front covers.

Your homework this week is to collect and bring in a selection of newspaper front covers. You will also need to ask at least one person to complete your questionaire.

Remember - all homework needs to be handed in on the Monday (either posted on the blog if appropriate or brought into the lesson)