Friday, 7 September 2012

Year 8 - Creative Writing Homeworks

Your list of homeworks is below.

Remember that each homework should take you at leastone hour each week.

Anything which looks like it took you less time will be accepted as no homework!
Your homework day is Tuesday for 8X and Thursday for 8Y: either bring it in and stick it into your book or post it on the blog as a comment to this post

1) write a short comment about an issue that you are interested in

2) interview a friend and write a transcript (or video them) – what do they think about teenagers being branded as ‘hoodies’?

3) what was life like for children growing up 100 years ago? Did they face any similar issues?

4) write a story or newspaper article telling the story of a teenager who has been affected by one of the issues

5) watch the vodcasts giving advice about writing skills and review the one you found most helpful

6) use the internet to research the history of voting in the UK – when did everyone get the vote…etc

7) what is life like for teenagers in other countries? Use the internet to research a chosen country and then write a short comment

8) choose a controversial subject and write an argumentative comment about it (maybe support the ban of chemicals in farming or argue that girls should be taught cooking instead of engineering!)

9) ask your family for their views about teenagers these days – do different generations have different ideas?

10) draw a picture of the two opposing images of teenagers – one ‘hoodie’ and one ‘A* student’

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