Friday 7 September 2012

Year 10 Romeo and Juliet Homeworks

Your 10 Romeo and Juliet homeworks are listed below:

Remember that you should be spending at least an hour on each piece of homework. Anything less is unacceptable and will be deemed to be a missed piece of work.

Your homework day is Wednesday - either bring in your work and stick it into your book or post it as a comment to this post:

1. Choose your favourite character from the play and create a character profile (include a picture if you wish!)

2. If you were a film director who would you cast in the leading roles of Juliet and Romeo? Justify your choice.

3. Draw a cover for a new, modern adaptation of the play - ensure you use symbolism.

4. Choose a scene from the play and transform the text into modern language (maybe include lots of slang for a teen version)

5. Re-write the ending with Romeo and Juliet living happily ever after - remember you will need to tie all together so that the two families forgive and unite.

6. Why do you think the play is so popular today? Write a short comment about why audiences still rate it as one of Shakespeare's best plays?

7. Write a sonnet about the story.

8. You are a set designer. Design the set for the balcony scene.

9. Write a review of the film adaptation that you studied in class - pay particular attention to the casting of (the wonderful!!) Leonardo DiCaprio and Clare Danes in the title roles.

10. Rewrite the story of Romeo and Juliet in the style of either a horror story or as a detective/crime story.


  1. The play is still so popular because it is all about romance and love, which everyone needs in their lives and the deaths of important people in the film is also detrimental to the feeling we get from the play such as Mercutio dieing. The ending is horrific, a battle of love and hope, only to be flattened by the death of Romeo and Juliet. I was in tears!

  2. I think the play is still popular today mainly because I think the characters still make sense. As the play is all about love, hate, pride and dignity, I think all of these things still go on nowadays, but in a seemingly more subtle way. Furthermore, although Tybalt's and Mercutio's deaths are exaggerated, the concept behind them, i.e., revenge and hatred remain today. These are the reasons I believe Romeo and Juliet has stood the test of time and is still popular today.

  3. I think that Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet is still very popular in today's world is because the play is about love, pride and hatred which everyone has in there lives and everyone can relate to. The play is so successful because the deaths of the two protagonists really plays with your emotions and it is a unpredictable twist which everyone enjoys. Throughout the play there is always something going on to keep the audience on edge and engaged in the action. This is why i think Romeo and Juliet is still very popular and admired nowadays.

  4. Character Profile:

    Romeo & Juliet


    Name: Juliet Capulet
    Family: The Capulet's
    Parents: Lord and Lady Capulet
    Cousin: Tybalt
    Husband: Romeo Montague
    Parents-in-law: Lord and Lady Montague
    Cousin-in-law: Benvolio
    Confidante: Nurse
    Home: Capulet Mansion, Verona, Italy
    Enemies: The House of Montague
    Age of death: 13
    Age of marriage: 13
    Circumstances of death: Marriage to sworn enemy, forced in to marriage of another man, faked death, her husband didn't know and then killed himself leading to her killed herself
    Buried: The Capulet Crypt

  5. i believe Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet to be still incredibly popular and loved in this modern society because the play and story line follows one of young love, devotion and cruelty. The series of events that lead to the dramatic ending are ones of action, hope and pure sadness. These events keep the audience on the edge of their seats but sobbing into tissues and its this connection, the fact that an audience always has one thing that they can relate to that has made it loved by so many people for so long. I think its the romance and hope that is mixed with devastation that keeps people engaged and is the reason why Romeo and Juliet is still loved by so many people in the present day.

  6. I think that the play, Romeo and Juliet, is still popular in today's modern society because it follows the true concept of love. Unlike all the other love stories that you see, in which everything turns out okay, Shakespeare showed in the play that not everything turns out okay and things can go really bad. He doesn't hide the truth as to the outcome of love. But also because the story behind it, people felt connected to and everything was over-done so that the affect was dramatic and the aftermath was present the whole time. The play is a massive icon still in today's world.

  7. Miss, I have sent my 3rd homework to your gmail due to our broken printer.

  8. In my opinion, Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" is still so popular today because it's all about the love and devotion between the two main characters which is what most people want to see nowadays. Also, all the way through the play, Shakespeare introduces different events by surprise, which keeps the viewer in suspense and excited for what might happen next, e.g Tybalt and Mercio's death. The fact that Romeo and Juliet are still together even though they are from rival families gives the people today some hope that there will be a chance for them to find love no matter what the circumstances are.
    Shakespeare puts a twist on the love story when he makes the events throughout the play lead up to a dramatic, tragic ending with both Romeo and Juliet's death. This makes the play different from all the other happy ending plays/films we have already today, this makes it popular because of all the emotions it will give the watcher, it will keep them entertained all the way through and also make them a bit tearful but hopeful, all these different feelings would make the viewer enjoy watching it which is why people still love it so much now in 2012.

  9. Act 3 Scene 1

    Benvolio: Oi, mate, come on let's leave Mercutio. It is way too hot here! The Capulets are out and about. If we ran into them there would be fists flying. When it's boiling people get angry and bad tempered.

    Mercutio: You are a wimp man never wanting to use your gun.

    Benvolio: Get lost! I'm nothing like you, am I?

    Mercutio: You can be the angriest man in Italy when you want too. When someone upsets you, you get well angry. But when your in the mood to be angry you'll find something that'll drive you mad.

    Benvolio: So what?

    Mercutio: Let's just say, if there were two more of you, you'd all be dead by now. You'd fight someone for one little thing. You're brainless. You shouted at one tailor for wearing the wrong suit at the wrong time.

    Benvolio: If I fought like you my life insurance would be through the roof!

    Mercutio: Life insurance? Who worries 'bout that?


    Benvolio: Brilliant! The Capulets

    Mercutio: Who cares?

    Tybalt: Don't worry mate I can handle them. OI! I need to talk to one of you freaks

    Mercutio: One word, let's make it a blow

    Tybalt: I'm ready for anything. Just give me the reason.

    Mercutio: I bet you can find a reason without me telling you. You have at least five brain cells.

    Tybalt: Your friends with Romeo and you go around with him?

    Mercutio: ''Go around''? Are we musicians in a band? Well if you do, all you expect is noise (goes for his gun) well this is my guitar let's see what happens when I start playing. It might make you dance.

    Benvolio: We're in public, making a bit of a scene here. We could go somewhere more private because everyone can see us out here.

    Mercutio: Who cares what people see? That's why people have eyes so they can see. I won't move for nobody.

    ROMEO enters

    Tybalt: My enemy. He finally shows his ugly face

    Mercutio: He ain't your enemy, and he ain't got an ugly face. I think it's quite charming.

    Tybalt: Romeo, my man, your a villain. Your family are pure evil.

    Romeo: You don't know me. I am no villain, you say I'm villain look at yourself.

    Tybalt: No words can save your unforgivable deeds. Now get ready for a fight.
