Friday 7 September 2012

Year 9 Much Ado Homeworks

Your Much Ado tasks are listed below

Remember that you should be spending at least an hour on your homework each week - anything looking less than that will be accepted as no homework!

Your homework day is Wednesday - either bring in your homework and stick it into your book or post it as a comment to this post.

1) rewrite the story as a poem or a newspaper article

2) watch another version of the play

3) write a character profile of your favourite character

4) research the port of Messina in Sicily (where the play is set) – what was life like there in the 1600s?

5) how is deception used to move the plot along? Write a short analysis

6) what is the relevance of the title? Do you think it is a good one? Should it have been called something else?

7) write a review of the film version that we watched in class

8) get hold of a copy of the play and read it

9) how do the portrayals of Beatrice and Hero show Shakespearian views of women?

10) create a new bookcover which depicts the ideas in the play

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