Monday 16 April 2012

Year 7: Term 5

This term we will be looking at all types of media (including newspapers, magazines and television news reports) with your final piece of work being to create a news desk report based on a news item of your choice.

You will be assessed on your speaking and listening (see if you can make an improvement from your Dragons' Den presentation) as well as a written piece of work.

The first week will be looking at how people use all different types of media - you will compile a questionaire to see how we all use the media. We will also be looking at newpaper front covers.

Your homework this week is to collect and bring in a selection of newspaper front covers. You will also need to ask at least one person to complete your questionaire.

Remember - all homework needs to be handed in on the Monday (either posted on the blog if appropriate or brought into the lesson)

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