Monday 16 April 2012

Year 9: Term 5

This term we will be doing some practice GCSE work. We will look at a formal speech by Barack Obama and compare it with a couple of television interviews he gave where he is more informal.

Our first few lessons will be spent looking at accents and dialects and how the way someone speaks influences our thoughts about them.

For homework this week please investigate different accents. See if you can find which accents are the most popular or most hated? Don't just stick to the UK - have a look at accents around the world (i.e. a South African accent or Australian one or how about different US accents). Also write about what you think - does an accent influence whether you trust what someone says? Should the BBC news be read in a particular accent?

Either post your ideas here or bring them to the lesson - it's due in on Friday 20 April.

If you want more homework...have a look at George W Bush on the internet. See if you can find any of his speeches to have a look at. Our last lesson this week is looking at his 9/11 speech so give yourself a head start!

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