Friday 11 May 2012

Year 7: News feedback and next homework

Very well done to everyone for some great homework handed in this week. I'm delighted that the research you did for homework paid off with some very entertaining and interesting news reporting in the lesson - great dramatic performances from you all!
This week we will be developing knowledge of newsreporting to produce another piece of drama.
This week's homework involves creating a character for you to become. Your character will be an anchor on the news (think Huw Edwards or Fiona Bruce). You will need to create a character - give details about what your character looks like, likes and dislikes, age, name, family details, how long you've been reading the news, if you've been to anywhere exciting to report...
Please bring it to the lesson on Monday 14 May.

Extra work would be to look at a real anchor who you particularly like or respect and write about why you have chosen them.

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