Wednesday 2 May 2012

Year 9: further feedback and hw for Friday 4 May

A pretty poor show so far for Year 9 homeworks unfortunately. Only a handfull handed in for both set so far. If you haven't done them then re-read the blog and find out what you have to do:

1. Your comments about different accents
2. The differences between spontaneous speech and prepared speech

Some impressive homeworks handed in however so very well done if you have completed both to a high standard...notably Daniel P and Genesis!

Right - homework due this Friday...very easy as you've done most of it already.

Write a review of your own speech in no fewer than 100 words (no more than 200!).

Use the following questions to prompt you - how successful was your argument? how confident were you? did you use body language well? what would you improve if you had to do another speech? do you think you interested your audience?

In on Friday 4 May along with the first two if you haven't done them yet.

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