Friday 11 May 2012

Year 9: Homework due Friday 18 May

Well done to those of you who managed the homework for this week even though I hadn't got it on the blog!! Lots of excellent research which will help you when it comes to writing your essays next week - well done. For those of you who didn't manage it here is a reminder...research life in the US in the run up to the 2008 election - what were the difficulties and challenges that Obama mentions in his victory speech?

For Friday 18 May:
Look for a well known personality (it could be a sports person, a politician, an actor or singer) and watch a speech or interview with them. Analyse their body language, tone of voice, what they talk about and facial expressions. Are they formal or informal?

You could go further and see if you could find a formal plus an informal situation and then compare them - much like we did for Obama's speech and TV appearances.

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