Friday, 1 June 2012

Year 8: Animal Farm Homeworks

Below is a list of 10 homeworks of which you will need to choose 5. Each one is due in on the Friday of each week. Remember that you should be spending no less than 1 hour on each piece of these homeworks - insufficient work will be treated the same as no work at all!

1) Read Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

2) Read Nineteen-eighty-four by George Orwell

3) Design a cover for a new edition of Animal Farm.

4) Which characters do you think are most responsible for the failure of Animal Farm? Why? (at least half a page)

5) Draw a spider diagram on either Napoleon or Snowball, showing 5 characteristics of the character and quotations from the book that back them up.

6) What does the word propaganda mean? Research two famous propagandists from the 20th Century of your choice (maybe Goebels, Stalin, Churchill – find others too)

7) Who writes history? Is there more than one version of the truth? Discuss these questions in at least half a page of writing.

8) Find out the names of 5 dictators and the countries they are / were in charge of. Were they forces for good?

9) Diary entry- write an entry from the point of view of one of the characters discussing their feelings of events in the book at the time.

10) Who is your favourite character in the book and why? (at least half a page)

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