Friday, 1 June 2012

Year 7: Midsummer Night's Dream Homeworks

Below is a list of 10 homeworks of which you will need to choose 6. Each Monday you will hand one piece of work in (or add it to the blog). Remember that you should be spending no less than 1 hour per week on your English homework - ideally more time! I will add an extension piece of work each week which is closely related to the work we are doing in class.

The following options will help you to develop your understanding of Shakespeare and of plays in general;

1. Research / read another of Shakespeare's plays and write out the story in no more than 100 words

2. Choose a scene from Midsummer Night's Dream and create an illustrated version of it

3. Create a wordsearch using words which are associated with Shakespeare

4. Why do you think Shakespeare is still taught in schools today? List 3 features of his writing which you think help him to remain popular

5. Choose a speech from another of Shakespeare's plays (try a popular one from Hamlet or Macbeth maybe) and anaylse the is it dramatic?

6. List all of Shakespeare's plays

7. Choose a scene from any play (doesn't have to be Shakespeare) and practise reading it. Make sure you use your voice to emphasise the words

8. Research and find 5 famous quotes from any Shakespearian play(s)

9. Choose a Shakespearian play and create a poster advertising a performance

10. Choose one of Shakespeare's plays and write a modern version (i.e. Romeo and Juliet written for a Year 9 audience)

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