Remember to spend at least an hour on your chosen homework each week: your day is Tuesday.
1. From your favourite book, choose a passage and illustrate it. You must justify your choices of illustration with either labels or a paragraph
2. Write a negative review of a well known book
3. Choose a passage from a non-fiction piece of writing and analyse its use of language – write a short piece of writing or annotate a photocopy of the passage
4. Write a short story with the title – Lonliness OR Conviction
5. Choose a well known story (maybe a fairy tale) and write an alternative ending…maybe Cinderella doesn’t get her prince!
6. Take a character from a story and write from their prospective – try something like writing from Hermione’s point of view for a section of a Harry Potter book (is she annoyed that she doesn’t get as much credit as Harry?!)
7. Choose a section of a story and change it to a playscript (remember to add stage directions)
8. Create a book cover for a book that you have read
9. Write a short piece of writing to persuade me to read a book of your choice
10. Describe your favourite place
10. I have many favourite places. Though my ultimate favourite and this may sound very stereotypical of a teenager is my bedroom. I love my bedroom it is my sanctuary from my family which allows me to just sit alone and think. It is where I can't wait to sit when I get home from school everyday, I just feel distanced and apart from the world with no problems. My room is big enough for me to think and forget about problems, it just leaves me with my telly to watch my favourite without fighting my little sister for the remote and sit on my laptop and get my homework done in privacy as my room is at the end of my house. I like to sit it my favourite place as it just feels safe and I'm a bit of a loner so I like my own company. Though I have another favourite place, it's my grandmother's house. She has lots of objects from family and magnets all over her fridge. I love visiting there, not just because my Nan has a picture of my friend as a child at my siter's christening, but it's full of memories and pictures of my Dad, his family and my deceased grnadfather. Though it's old and creaky it feels comfortable and my Nan makes me feel welcome and when my aunt and her daughter's there it feels complete and homely. So after my bedroom my favourite place is my Nan's house because of all the trinkets she own's it is just filled with memories and it's a lovely place to stay and feels like a time capsule.
10 - My favourite place is the arena at the horse riding stable I go to. This is my favourite place because the second I enter the arena... nothing else matters. It is me and the horse, nobody else matters. Anything that has happened before just slips away like dust, out of my mind. Like it does not exist any more. Nothing else has any importance in my life, except me and the horse... I don't have to listen to anyone in the arena. It's me, the horse, my instructor and just that moment in time. Nothing has any relevance or importance at that key moment in time. I love the time in the arena, and cherish every single moment.
ReplyDeleteKara Etchells
4. Loneliness
ReplyDeleteWhen your like her all you know is how to be lonely. She walks around every where comforted by her shadow and the taunting words of others that she'd had grown use to as they were the only words she would hear. She was as quiet as a door mouse but was a child prodigy destined for great things. But she could never quite believe her father had such faith in her. Her mother had long since past and the stress of being the new star of her family and her mother's death pushed her away and made her feel even more alone.
Her name is Cassandra, but though her nickname was Cassie, all she heard was hurtful nicknames involving her off the rails brother and her sister who couldn't be controlled or continue in school. Cassie just wanted to escape and find comfort in someone who wouldn't pressure her or expect the best from her. Cassie continued to look everywhere for some comfort but she could never truly find it as every friend she had turned against her and left her to face the world by herself.
Cassie knew she'd have to break free and only by leaving everything behind Cassie might get her dreams of escaping the torture of bullies and the torture of being expected the best of yourself every second.
Cassie packed her things on the eve of her fifteenth birthday and headed away from the pain and loneliness that Cassie suffered and find the joy and brilliance of the new life of Cassandra the new modern and mature person. She kept walking not daring to look behind because she knew no matter what went on from now it would be miles better than anything from her past.
ReplyDeleteI watched the girl walk away from a group of people. She put her hand up, and I saw her lips move to form the word "Sorry". I never really understood why she always isolated herself away from everyone. Little did I know, I was looking at someone very familiar.. They were isolating them-self, and for some reason I was being shown this. I watched the little girl sigh, shake her head and walk away. With a blink, and a flash, the scenery changed. I was looking at the girl a few years later. I watched the girl sit at the back of her class. The teacher told everyone to discuss their work with a partner. The girl glanced at the teacher, before turning to look at her work. She didn't even try to work with someone. I thought to myself, wondering if anyone realized how lonely the girl looked... I almost pleaded her to go and find someone to work with. She didn't. Class ended, and she walked out not saying a word. Everything changed again. The girl was stood with someone. I presumed her friend... a smiled slightly. Maybe she wasn't so lonely after all. But my smile faded when the person laughed in her face, and walked off. The girl shrugged, not seeming to care. She went to a corner, sat down, and pulled out a book. I sighed - she wasn't even trying anymore. 'I wish I could help the girl...' I thought. The girl lifted her head, as if she had heard my thoughts. But she just looked back to her book. I saw someone approach the girl. "Want to hang out with me?" She asked, and gestured towards a group of people. The girl smiled softly, but refused. I was done with this girl, she wasn't helping herself. It took me a moment to realize something... but then I realized who it was. It was me. She didn't want to be alone, she wanted me to realize what I was doing to myself.
9. I think you should read Into The Wild (Warrior Cats) by Erin Hunter because I find it to be a very unique book. There is a lot of action, and it keeps you interested. The theme is very unique, seeing the life of a cat by the cat's point of view. The book is easy to read, and easy to understand. You know where the character is, and there aren't too many things to have to remember. All in all it is very interesting, keeps you gripped and interested and has a lot of exciting action so as to not bore you.
ReplyDelete9. I personally don't read and never have read a full book so I asked my younger sister her favourite book. She replied with one of her recent books 'Grubson Pug's Christmas Voyage'. She received it from our aunt and continually reads which is great, especially as she isn't the greatest reader either. She finds it interesting because it's child friendly with many cartoons that help illustrate the story and it isn't a long book but long enough to enjoy. It is designated at children but I believe if i had the patience and eagerness to read I would read it to. From my sister's review I'd advise to anyone