Friday 7 September 2012

Year 11 View from the Bridge Homeworks

Your homeworks are listed below.

Remember your homework day is Monday - you should be spending at least one hour on your homework each week. If I think you have spent less then I will deem it as a missed piece of work!

Either bring in your work and stick it into your book or post it as a comment to this post.

1. What does the title mean? Analyse the idea that Alfieri is the bridge and the view is his...

2. Re-write the play in the style of a short crime story.

3. Take one of the characters and analyse them in detail - what was their part in the play? could their actions have altered the course of the action?

4. You are a set designer - using Miller's stage directions, design the set. Include labels for clarity.

5. Write either Marco or Rodolfo's diary on board the ship - give ideas about how they were thinking about their new life in New York. (to make it more interesting you could use both views as show how they differed...)

6. How does Marco and Rodolfo's quest for the American Dream differ to George and Lennie's?

7. Write a guide book for new immigrants to New York giving them information on how to survive the city in the 1950s.

8. Write a newspaper article giving details of the end of the play.

9. It is the women in the play who are to blame for the tragic event at the end. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Justify your decision.

10. Find out which other plays Miller wrote and write the story of one of them.

Year 10 Romeo and Juliet Homeworks

Your 10 Romeo and Juliet homeworks are listed below:

Remember that you should be spending at least an hour on each piece of homework. Anything less is unacceptable and will be deemed to be a missed piece of work.

Your homework day is Wednesday - either bring in your work and stick it into your book or post it as a comment to this post:

1. Choose your favourite character from the play and create a character profile (include a picture if you wish!)

2. If you were a film director who would you cast in the leading roles of Juliet and Romeo? Justify your choice.

3. Draw a cover for a new, modern adaptation of the play - ensure you use symbolism.

4. Choose a scene from the play and transform the text into modern language (maybe include lots of slang for a teen version)

5. Re-write the ending with Romeo and Juliet living happily ever after - remember you will need to tie all together so that the two families forgive and unite.

6. Why do you think the play is so popular today? Write a short comment about why audiences still rate it as one of Shakespeare's best plays?

7. Write a sonnet about the story.

8. You are a set designer. Design the set for the balcony scene.

9. Write a review of the film adaptation that you studied in class - pay particular attention to the casting of (the wonderful!!) Leonardo DiCaprio and Clare Danes in the title roles.

10. Rewrite the story of Romeo and Juliet in the style of either a horror story or as a detective/crime story.

Year 9 Much Ado Homeworks

Your Much Ado tasks are listed below

Remember that you should be spending at least an hour on your homework each week - anything looking less than that will be accepted as no homework!

Your homework day is Wednesday - either bring in your homework and stick it into your book or post it as a comment to this post.

1) rewrite the story as a poem or a newspaper article

2) watch another version of the play

3) write a character profile of your favourite character

4) research the port of Messina in Sicily (where the play is set) – what was life like there in the 1600s?

5) how is deception used to move the plot along? Write a short analysis

6) what is the relevance of the title? Do you think it is a good one? Should it have been called something else?

7) write a review of the film version that we watched in class

8) get hold of a copy of the play and read it

9) how do the portrayals of Beatrice and Hero show Shakespearian views of women?

10) create a new bookcover which depicts the ideas in the play

Year 8 - Creative Writing Homeworks

Your list of homeworks is below.

Remember that each homework should take you at leastone hour each week.

Anything which looks like it took you less time will be accepted as no homework!
Your homework day is Tuesday for 8X and Thursday for 8Y: either bring it in and stick it into your book or post it on the blog as a comment to this post

1) write a short comment about an issue that you are interested in

2) interview a friend and write a transcript (or video them) – what do they think about teenagers being branded as ‘hoodies’?

3) what was life like for children growing up 100 years ago? Did they face any similar issues?

4) write a story or newspaper article telling the story of a teenager who has been affected by one of the issues

5) watch the vodcasts giving advice about writing skills and review the one you found most helpful

6) use the internet to research the history of voting in the UK – when did everyone get the vote…etc

7) what is life like for teenagers in other countries? Use the internet to research a chosen country and then write a short comment

8) choose a controversial subject and write an argumentative comment about it (maybe support the ban of chemicals in farming or argue that girls should be taught cooking instead of engineering!)

9) ask your family for their views about teenagers these days – do different generations have different ideas?

10) draw a picture of the two opposing images of teenagers – one ‘hoodie’ and one ‘A* student’