Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Friday, 20 April 2012

Year 10 Of Mice and Men

Homework due Monday 30 April

You need to submit an A4 sheet of information about life in 1930s America. You will need to use the following headings:

Life in 1930s America:
1. Women's rights
2. Racial Equality
3. Standard of living for an average family
4. Education
5. America's position as a world power

If you are aiming for the highest grades (or in fact you just want a good read), have a go at another of Steinbeck's novels, try Grapes of Wrath or East of Eden.

Year 8 Homework 2

Over the second week of the module we will be looking at Great Expectations in more detail. We will watch clips from two adaptations of the novel to see how they deal with the opening chapter. At this point we will begin to do some more in depth analysis of the choices a director makes - in this case how the director chooses to add fear to this first chapter.

Homework due in Tuesday 1 May:
1. Create a new book cover for either Oliver or Great Expectations - for either one ensure you are showing your understanding of the atmostphere
2. Write a film review of the scariest film you have seen (please remember that I need to read them and the scariest film I have seen is Ghostbusters! Don't overdo the blood and gore...)

It's a choice between 1 and 2 but you could of course do both.

The next novel to analyse its adaptation to film is Lord of the Rings by Tolkien - have a go at reading it if you want a challenge.

Year 7 Newspaper Homework

Our second week will be spent looking at newspapers and how they appeal to their readers. We will examine how fonts and colours are used as well as dramatic language.
For this week's homework - find a newspaper article and make notes on the use of colour, font, photograph and emotional language, remembering to consider the effect of these factors upon the reader.
As an option - go further and see if you can find different articles about the same piece of news. Make a comment about how the items differ even though they concern the same content. Why might they be different?

As always your homework is due on Monday so it's Monday 30 April for this one!

Accents feedback and further homework for Yr9

Very well done to Genesis, Alisha and Lucy who all wrote very insightful and interesting pieces of writing about how they feel about different accents. Their work is definitely at a level expected for GCSE so I'm very impressed!

For next Friday (27 April) I would like you to look again at the differences between spontaneous language and prepared speech - list 5 features of each.

Further work would be to revise the features of non-verbal communication for each - i.e. hand gestures/body language (straight back etc) - how does our non-verbal communication change for the type of speaking we are doing?

Monday, 16 April 2012

Year 11: Term 5

This term it's all about revision!!

We'll start off the week with A View from the Bridge revision by revising the characters and how to plan an essay. Then we'll have a quick re-look at Lord of the Flies and revise the main characters.

Preparation for these lessons could (and should) be re-reading both books. Ensure you've re-read both A View from the Bridge and Lord of the Flies over the next couple of weeks. Also use the internet to research the context of the stories - i.e. what was life like in the US and Italy during the time the play was set or/and what was the world like when Golding was writing Lord of the Flies?

Year 10: Term 5

This term we will be continuing our study of Of Mice and Men. You'll have a week and a half to finish the controlled assessment piece of writing before we turn our attention to the exam.

Your Of Mice and Men exam is on Tuesday 22 May.

To be fully prepared for the exam you should be re-reading your copy of the novel at home - at least twice before the exam.

You should also be making sure you have a full understanding of The Great Depression and how it affected everyday life in America - especially the impact for the characters in the novel (i.e. women's rights for Curley's wife and racial tension and equality for Crooks).

There is no formal homework for the first week because we are concentrating on the controlled assessment however do your background work so you're prepared for the exam preparation to come.

Year 9: Term 5

This term we will be doing some practice GCSE work. We will look at a formal speech by Barack Obama and compare it with a couple of television interviews he gave where he is more informal.

Our first few lessons will be spent looking at accents and dialects and how the way someone speaks influences our thoughts about them.

For homework this week please investigate different accents. See if you can find which accents are the most popular or most hated? Don't just stick to the UK - have a look at accents around the world (i.e. a South African accent or Australian one or how about different US accents). Also write about what you think - does an accent influence whether you trust what someone says? Should the BBC news be read in a particular accent?

Either post your ideas here or bring them to the lesson - it's due in on Friday 20 April.

If you want more homework...have a look at George W Bush on the internet. See if you can find any of his speeches to have a look at. Our last lesson this week is looking at his 9/11 speech so give yourself a head start!

Year 8: Term 5

This term we will be looking at how stories have been adapted into films - focusing on Great Expectations, Oliver, Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter.

In the first week we will be starting our study by looking at Oliver (reading an extract from the book as well as looking at different versions of adaptation for the screen). Then we will move on to begin looking at Great Expectations.

Homework this week: Both 'Oliver' and 'Great Expectations' were written by Charles Dickens. Do some research and find out what you can about him. Either post it to this blog or bring it to the lesson on Tuesday 24 April (remember - all homework will be handed in on the Tuesday each week).

You could always read both the books too - this will give you an advantage when it comes to writing about the novels as a whole...

Year 7: Term 5

This term we will be looking at all types of media (including newspapers, magazines and television news reports) with your final piece of work being to create a news desk report based on a news item of your choice.

You will be assessed on your speaking and listening (see if you can make an improvement from your Dragons' Den presentation) as well as a written piece of work.

The first week will be looking at how people use all different types of media - you will compile a questionaire to see how we all use the media. We will also be looking at newpaper front covers.

Your homework this week is to collect and bring in a selection of newspaper front covers. You will also need to ask at least one person to complete your questionaire.

Remember - all homework needs to be handed in on the Monday (either posted on the blog if appropriate or brought into the lesson)